What’s New in WhyHive — September 2024

A handful of new updates hit the app last month. Here’s what’s new.


100% Stacked Bar Charts

100% Stacked Charts can be created by charting either of these column combinations:

  • Category + Category

  • Number + Category + Category.

Great for Likert scales.


Rename columns

Click on the three dots next to a column header to rename it.


New settings menu

New settings menu screenshot

We’ve cleaned up the chart settings menu a little.

Menu items are now expandable and collapsible accordions. We also snuck in the ability to change the Series Order. This changes the order coloured items are displayed on the chart.


Chart labels

Screenshots of bar labels

Chart labels can be applied to bar or pie charts.

Labels on bar charts can sit atop or inside the bars.

Labels on pie charts can sit inside or outside the pie segments.


Number formatting

We’ve added customisation options for formatting numbers.

This includes things like adding a prefix or suffix, enforcing decimal places, and specifying how to handle large numbers.

For example, it’s now possible to reformat this:


into this:

$1.2 m


Merging, renaming and deleting themes

Click on a theme pill to bring up the menu.

Merge themes lets you combine two or more themes into one.

All instances of all themes being merged will be renamed as whatever the Rename as value is.

The default rename value will is set to the first theme listed.

Rename theme lets you pick a single theme and rename all instances of it.


Text Analysis Guide

We put together a Text Analysis Guide. It includes instructions for:

  • Thematic coding

  • Sentiment analysis

  • Formatting messy data

  • Categorisation

  • Contextual search

As well as templates and ways to improve accuracy and quality. 


brat but it’s an analysis of streaming data so it’s not actually music


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